Tree Discovery Quiz
Your Tree Choice Profile:
Tree Type: Ornamental
Tree Shape: Round
Tree Height: Less than 15' tall
Explore your RESULTS
Lilac Dwarf Korean Tree
- Botanical Name: Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'
- Zone: 4-7
- Sun Exposure: full sun
- Soil: well drained
- Height: 5'-6'
- Spread: 5'-6'
- Foliage: green
- Bloom: Pale lilac fragrant flowers
- Shape: rounded
- Growth Rate: medium - 12' - 24" per year
Lilac Bloomerang Tree
- Botanical Name: Syringa 'Bloomerang' Tree
- Zone: 4-5
- Sun Exposure: full sun to part shade
- Soil: well drained
- Height: 4'-5'
- Spread: 5'-6'
- Foliage: green
- Bloom: fragrant purple flowers
- Bloom time: June to first frost
- Shape: rounded
- Growth Rate: slow - less than 12" per year
Crabapple Lollipop
from $149.00
- Botanical Name: Malus 'Lollipop'
- Zone: 4-7
- Sun Exposure: full sun
- Soil: well drained
- Height: 10'
- Spread: 10'
- Foliage: green
- Bloom: white flowers
- Fruit: red fruit
- Bloom time: Spring
- Shape: rounded
- Compact shape
- Growth Rate: slow